
You Know You’re Awesome . . .

When Harvard sends YOU an application for its school. No, I’m not talking about me (I was homeschooled, but I’m totally normal, and I rock). I’m talking about this sweet little senior who may kill me for bragging her up :). She’s also lucky enough to be my sister-in-law. 

Today was a rare day when I had nothing to edit. That hasn’t happened in months. I typically only edit on Tuesdays and half of Wednesday. My boys are at their dad’s on those days, and while they’re home I try to be their mother before I’m a photographer. It just keeps my family sane if I’m not editing every day since I’m Mama first and Rachel Renee Photography second. Anyway, the kids were gone, I’d already Zumba’d it up, the hubs was at work so I told Janea that she needed to let me take her senior pics right now, and she agreed. When we got to our location, there was a convention going on and too many people hanging out in the spots we wanted to use. We took pics for about 10 mins and then called it a day. Good thing she’s just my sister-in-law or I would have felt really bad. So here are just a few.

This is a whole lot of words for so few pictures.


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